
Monday, November 1, 2010

Car Insurance Discounts

You can get a Car Insurance discount if you haven't had many accidents, even better if you never had a accident. That will let any insurance company know that you are a safe driver and you can qualify for a discount up to 30 percent. Another way you can prove you're a safe driver, they have devices that you can put on your car that will let the insurance company know the distance you drive, the speed you drive, and the time of day you drive. It only records those things, it doesn't invade your privacy like GPS which can tell them where you are located. You can also view this data by logging on to your account on the website and it will show you what time of day you was driving, how far you driven to, how many times you pressed the brakes hard, and how long you was driving over 80 mph. It doesn't tell if you're on a certain street and the speed limit is 30 miles per hour and you're going 40 miles per hour which is over the speed limit. You will have to keep the device on your car for 6 months then you can remove the device and return the device back to the car insurance company.

After the 6 month period, the insurance carrier will go over the data collected and they will make the decision if you're a safe driver or not and if you are then you will be rewarded with a discount rate. It is your choice if you want to put the device on your car or not, but doing so can get you the discount. If you decide to put the device on your car, and you want to get the device taken off before the 6 month period you can do so. If you get it taken off before the 6 month period you will not complete the project for the discount, you will just opt out of the project and won't recieve your discount. Almost all insurance companies offer this discount program to their old customers and new customers who want to get insurance discounts with them. New customers who don't have insurance with them yet can use the device before signing up with the company which will result in a better insurance quote with the company when you're ready to sign up. You won't have to keep the device on your car for 6 months, you will only have to keep the device on your car for 1 month just to get a better insurance quote.

This device and the program have been around for years, but more people are using it now then they've did before during the time when it was first offered. About 35 percent of new customers who would like insurance discounts join the program and get the device put on their car because it's only for 1 month just to get a better insurance quote. Once you've buy insurance with that company you can sign up for the program again to get discounts to lower you monthly price. To lower your monthly price you will have to keep the device on your car for 6 months. Most people take advantage of this program to get discounts because car insurance rates have been going up within the last 10 years. If the price is too high, customers will struggle to make their payments if it becomes hard times for them. This program of having the device put on your car was created as a way customers can prove to insurance companies that they're a safe driver which will result in them getting a great insurance discount to save them some money.

Most customers don't mind getting the device put on their car for this short period of time because it will do them some good in the long run and save them some money. If you can't find an insurance company who offers this program, there's pleanty of them online you can find. The device is small and wireless gadget that monitors your driving habits to see if you're a safe driver or not. More insurance providers are opting in to use this program instead of the ways they've used before to GUESS your driving habits. This device is more better and accurate for them to use. Before they was using information on a person to tell their driving habits or if the person is liable to have a accident or not. They was going off of your age, your sex, how many miles you drive, your marital status, and even your credit score to determine if you're a safe driver or will get into an accident. In reality, none of that tell how you will be behind the wheel, but putting this monitoring device on your car does.

The car insurance police holder can volunteer to get the device put on their car, it is not mandatory. As i said before, it only collects the data like what time of day you was driving, how far you driven to, how many times you pressed the brakes hard, and how long you was driving over 80 miles per hour. The device connects to your diagnostic port and it communicates with your car computer system. Progressive car insurance calls this program "Snapshot" and they offer the program in almost every state. State Farm calls this program "Drive Safe and Save" and they offer it in half of the U.S. So if you're looking for a discount on your auto insurance and looking to save almost 35 percent on your bill, then get the device put on your vehicle for the short period of time and get your discount.

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