Most discounts for Auto Insurance are hidden. You can either call several Auto Insurance companies to get quotes and ask them about their discounts, or you can do some online research and searching to find discounts and best quotes on your auto insurance depending on your state or location. When you're talking to an agent they may ask you how far is your job that you travel to from your home, or how far is your school if you're a student. If it's far like over 100 miles and you're a student you could get a student discount on your auto insurance. Some agencies have discounts for homeowners, some even have discounts for newly weds.
You shoud also ask if there's any new discounts available when it's time to renew your car insurance. You might see a car insurance commercial and they advertise that you can save money, and that their company have discounts and great benefits. There could be other companies that also could have these benefits but they didn't advertise it so you may have to ask them over the phone about their discounts. You should also mention "well, state farm advertised on their commercial that their price is this, and i could save that" other companies don't want to lose customers to their competition which could result in them giving you a discount. If you have a anti theft device for your car you could also get a discount, you would have to mention this to the agent. If you're a member of U.S Military you could get a discount on your car insurance as well.
There are so many auto insurance companies to choose from so you will have to do some shopping around to find the best price that works best for you. Don't forget to mention about the discounts and the key things that could get you a discount on your auto instrance. After all, all the money you paid for the car and gas prices going up, YOU DESERVE A DISCOUNT ON YOUR AUTO INSURANCE.
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