When applying for car insurance, the company will divide your personal history into two different categories to determine what kind of driver you can be. Those to categories are situations that you can influence, and the other is situations that you couldn't control. The first category breaks down questions like are you married, what is your occupation, what is your credit score (and if you don't know it then they will run it), and do you rent or own the place where you live. If you haven't had any car accidents in the past, the car insurance company normally will give you an insurance quote that is low and affordable. And also if you're married, if you have a high credit score, if you've been on the same job for a lot of years, and if you are a homeowner then these factors will give you a low insurance rate as well.
For the second category they will ask you what is your age, and what is your gender. Customers who are under the age of 25 years old, the insurance company looks at you as a high risk of having a car accident because most young people drive careless and reckless. But what's sad is they take this age thing up to the age of 25 in which i don't think that people from the age of 22 to 25 drive that reckless, mostly teenagers do. And as far as gender wise, within the last decade there has been a difference with the rates when it comes to male and female. Research and studies have proven that males pay more than females when it comes to auto insurance rates. Why is that? Well that's a question that all males have been waiting to hear the answer for.
When the auto insurance company asks you where do you live, and where is your job, the reason they asks those questions is to determine where do you often park your car. They want to know that because if it's a bad area with a high crime rate then your vehicle is more at the risk of being broken into or stolen. Therefore this information could be good or bad for your insurance rate depending on what type of area it is. If it's a bad area then this will jack your insurance rate up a little more to compensate if your car is broken into or stolen and you file a claim. If the place you live at have a garage and you park your car in the garage, or if you live somewhere that allows you to park your car off the street in something like a gated community or a residential parking lot, then chances are your car is less than likely to be stolen or broken into. If so then this will result in your insurance rates being low.
There's so many things that can determine your car insurance rate to either be high, or be a low rate. The main factors are the type of car it is, your driving record, your personal information, and where you often park your car. The small factors will be the type of coverage that you want, and what will your deductibles be. Not to mention if you have ever beed arrested for driving under the influence, then you can prepare for your insurance rates to go up a bit. Also your vehicle's make, model, and what year it is can play a role in what your car insurance rate will be, and that is beacuse some cars cost more to insure than other cars, and some car are highly targeted for theft than others which makes certain cars a higher risk than others. Some cars have been proven to be more safe and protects passengers more better than others, which will result in the cars that is more safe insurance rates to be lower. Some cars cost more to repair because of the parts than others, this will play a role in your insurance rates as well.
If you own a car that has lots of horse power, car insurance companies feels that you are at a higher risk to get into a car accident which will increase your insurance rates. If you've had car accidents in the past (even one accident, including if it was your fault or not) you can already expect your insurance rate to be up a little. Moving violations as well will play a role in boosting your rates as the insurance companies feels that this will determine the type of person you are behind the wheel. These moving violations can give the insurance company the idea that you are a reckless driver, and a reckless driver is a high risk of accidents occuring. If you have none of these things under your name then i guarantee your insurance rate will be lower than others. Don't believe me then go as someone who have these things under their belt what is their insurance rate. They probably tell you they pay a arm and a leg.
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