Mesothelioma cancer is caused by exposure to asbestos, and exposure to asbestos normally occurs from industrial environments, shipyards, old houses, auto shops, schools and other public buildings. Mesothelioma cancer normally occurs after a long period of exposure of asbestos which is highly toxic. Although it is also known that mesothelioma cancer can occur after a short period and even a first time exposure of asbestos. Asbestos occurs when a person breathes in or swallow the microscopic asbestos fibers from these places or environments mentioned above. These fibers are hard to fight when within the human body, and once inside the human body the fibers will cause biological changes which will result in genetic damage, inflammation, and scarring.
The lining of your lungs which is called the pleura is the most common area these fibers builds asbestos, but the lining of the abdominal cavity is also where the fibers can become trapped in and starts to build. When biological damage occurs due to the fibers, after a short period of asbestos is when mesothelioma will develop. Almost 80 percent of patients symptoms is peritoneal mesothelioma whic is the most common type of mesothelioma out there. Almost 20 percent of patients symptoms is peritoneal mesothelioma. And almost 1 percent of patients symptoms is a uncommon type called testicular mesothelioma. Most people don't have symptoms, or they don't know or reconize the symptoms until later down the line of having the cancer because the beginning stage of mesothelioma symptoms can be unnoticed.
Being tired often and having a little pain around the tumor can be symptoms in the beginning stages. During the late stages of mesothelioma, the symptoms becomes more reconizeable which lets the patient know something isn't right and they should see a doctor. Other late symptoms can be weight loss, fluid buildup and bowel obstruction, shortness of breath, and pain near the tumor. To relieve the symptoms you can get therapy or some other treatment known as talc pleurodesis which can result in the symptoms not coming back. Imaging scans or biopsies is the most accurate diagnosis for mesothelioma, but different patients have diagnosis.
Doctors have different ways to diagnose a patient with mesothelioma. To check for abnormalities, doctors will give most patients a chest x-ray and if there is abnormal growth the doctor will give the patient a more detailed imaging scan like a pet scan, a CT scan, or a MRI. And if signs of mesothelioma is detected then the doctor will give the patient a biopsy which is when tissue from the patient will be collected to confirm that mesothelioma cells exist within the patient. Although doctors can do blood tests for signs of mesothelioma, the blood test is not enough to confirm that mesothelioma exists. But right now today, doctors are trying to find out how can they detect early signs of mesothelioma through these blood tests of asbestos workers.
Pleural Mesothelioma can be treated with five different staging systems that doctors use. The IMIG staging system was created in 1995 by the International Mesothelioma Interest Group because older systems did not classify tumors with tumor node metastasis descriptors. The IMIG staging system is the most common used staging system used for mesothelioma. There are different types of mesothelioma trement options which can be surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. But most doctors would combine some of these different types of treatments together which can be called multimodal therapy treatment. Research has proven that combining different types of therary treatment together has helped patients survival rates.
A common treatment that is known to treat the symptoms of all stages is called Palliative treatment. Immunotherapy is an experimental therapy but it's showing progress in becoming a great treatment system to use in the future. Mesothelioma doctors specialize in a variety of fields in their treatment centers as far as radiologists, sergeons, medical and radiation oncologists, pathologists and palliative care specialists all on one big mesothelioma treatment team. It's best to consider a mesothelioma specialist if you're trying to get treated because a specialist can be a key factor in your treatment. Some of the best mesothelioma treatment centers will attract patients that even in a different country because these centers have years of experience, good doctors, and the best technology and machines available.
There isn't much mesothelioma research available because funding for these researches is very low, although there are some treatment centers that will try experiencing new drugs and treatment systems. And by doing so, this will open the door for scientists to develop new drugs for treatment. At different cancer centers all over the world there are new drugs and treatment systems that is being introduced. The worse stage of mesothelioma is the prognosis for mesothelioma stage. Some mesothelioma patients live longer than expected depending on many different prognostic factors.
If you have malignant mesothelioma due to exposure to asbestos, you can file a claim with a asbestos trust fund or file a lawsuit against the company where the exposure to asbestos occured. If you win the lawsuit or get a settlement the money can help you pay for medical expenses, and for your pain and suffering. If the company is liable for the exposure of asbestos which could've been prevented then you will win the lawsuit or settlement. The company will be found liable if they have products that contains asbestos and the company failed to warn employees of the potential exposure of asbestos. You should contact a mesothelioma lawyer which would help you understand the legal options you could take.
There are different kinds of drugs that's very popular and used by so many peope that helps lower cholesterol which could be a way to treat mesothelioma in the future. Research from Japan shows that statins can have a positive synergistic effect when it is combined with gamma-tocotrienol, which is an engineered form of vitamin E that can be used as a cancer-fighting compound. Other researches shows that statins can help control different kinds of tumor growth and block cellular functions which can turn into cancer.
Exposure to asbestos will affect the thin membrane surrounding your lungs, your abdominal cavity, or your heart and would result in the cancer called mesothelioma. In the United States there are over 3,000 patients diagnose with mesothelioma a year in which almost all of them are due to exposure of asbestos on the job. Over the years a lot of companies are reducing the use of asbestos, but the number of people diagnose with mesothelioma each year still stays about the same. Most people don't know they have symptoms and it can take about 20 to 50 years before the symptoms gets very bad after exposure to asbestos and you can see a doctor to get diagnosis. Although there is no cure for the disease, there are different treatment options and different therapies for mesothelioma.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Friday, January 3, 2014
SEO Tips
All In One SEO Pack and SEO Yoast are two good plugins to use if you're using the WordPress platform. I highly recommend you install one of them, whichever you choose both are free and works great to boost your SEO content. Although they're different with certain features, they both have the same output which is to streamline the on-site SEO process by generating automatic META tags, optimizing titles for every post, and optimizing SEO descriptions.
Both of them are easy to use, and it's easy to learn how to use them. It's best to use these plugins because when you do you can give your content a better look than other bloggers who don't take the time master this greater advantage. When using SEO plugins it can make your site appear on the first or second search results page instead of being further or last on the search results page. You should also use Google Adwords Keyword Tool to help you with keyword research. When you enter a word or phrase, it will give you a list of good potential keyword ideas that you can use in your blog posts or titles.
I suggest that you pick some good potential keywords and use those keywords wisely when placing keywords in your content. Don't use the keywords over and over too many times, and don't use the keywords just once or twice. Use the keywords enough so that the keyword or words stand out. Years ago placing keywords over and over in content was common and popular, that would result search engines to be manipulated. Now today things have been updated within google and this little common trick is more harder to do. When Google catch on that your content have the same keyword placed in it too much you will be notified by google that you're violating the content policy. I'll show you some of the best ways to insert keywords.
-Put your main keyword (the keyword you want the post based of) once in the main title of the post
-Use the keyword once within the first 100 words in the post
-Use the keyword once in the final paragraph
-Place the keyword in the title tags and the meta descriptions
-Place the keyword in sub titles when appropriate
-Use related keywords or pharses throughout the content
Get your site up to speed because that will be a key factor in growing your site and getting your site to rank at the top. Google gives emphasis to site load times. Most of the users will leave from your site if it takes more than 5 seconds for your site to load up. You can use Pingdom's speed test tool which can tell you how long it takes to load up your site. If it takes longer than 5 seconds, you should use new hosting provider or make some changes to your site to make your site load more faster.
When writing content, you should focus on the length of each posts There can be a difference in the length of each post. You can keep it brief with 300 words or less, or you can go all out with 1,000 words or more. We can go on forever on how long the post length should be, but a study showed that choosing how many words should be in a post depends on the keyword that your post is based upon. They pulled this information from the top 5 blogs in each niche. Here's the results:
-"Gadgets" 183 words in the post
-"Gossip" 185 words in the post
-"Web News" 326 words in the post
-"Politics" 468 words in the post
-"Health" 666 words in the post
-"Marketing" 1,087 words in the post
-"Finance" 1,228 words in the post
-"Personal Development" 1,475 words in the post
So when you're tyring to determine how long your content length should be will depend on the keyword you're looking to stay on subject with in each posts. But it's best to keep posts at least at 250 words or more. If your posts is less than 250 words, the search engines might not pick up your site due to other sites using the same keywords or post titles but longer theirs have longer content. It's a known fact and have been proven that sites with longer content length ranks better and these sites gets pulled up first in the search engines. I think Google rewards sites with longer content because longer content equals more quality vs shorter content length.
Each of your post shouldn't be the same amount of words as all the others. If all of your posts was 300 words that wouldn't be a good look. It would look as if everytime you blog, you only want to stick to this 300 word count no matter what the keyword or topic of your post is about. That wouldn't be good quailty to the users which can result in your site not building.
When blogging, include images and pictures in your posts that related to the content to give readers something to look at when they want to stop reading for a 1 second glance when they want to think over a sentence they've just read. This trick will give your blog post more SEO benifits. You should also include the keywords in the image or picture that you insert, and put ALT tags in the HTML code by putting alt="keyword within the HTML code. Make sure you keep the keyword very brief and use it enough in your content so your site can be picked up by the serch engines.
Try not to use links to other pages or sites as much because this takes your users to another site or page. Once your users are gone, there's no guarantee that they'll come back. This is my own personal SEO Tip which helps my blog rank higher than other blogs in the search engines. You should also have your site set up on the sidebar with different widgets as far as different categories, recent posts, about me, subscribe, and different other widgets that you feel is necessary to give the users beter navigation on your site to get to where they wan to more quickly on your site.
Blog and post new content as much as possible. The main mistake bloggers make is not blogging or putting fresh new content on their site as often. This mistake can make your subscribers unsubscribe, it can make users who looked forward to you putting new content up become less interested in your site. It can also drop your site lower in the rankings of the search engines. You should update your content more because it will result in search engines sending crawlers to your site more. When you update your content often, your new content could show up in the index more faster. Instead of weeks that it will take for your content to show up in the index, it could show up in days or hours.
You should post blogs often and avoid going a long period of time without posting fresh new content. The average blogger with good content and a great niche posts between 2 to 5 posts a week. Share your posts with social media like Facebook this can give you an advantage if your content is good because when your friends like the posts it allows their friends who might not be friends with you, at least see the post and read it and if they like it too then it passes on to their friends and so on which is a great SEO Tip. This will also help improve your rankings in the Search Engine which will result in more audience.
There's a lot of talk on Google's SearchWiki and how it effects SEO. Most bloggers says that it will ruin SEO, and that Google's new SearchWiki sucks. Most bloggers are scared and they think the world will end tomorrow, lol. The outcome of SearchWiki and what people think can go on forever, but people might be missing the point of Google's latest idea for their search engine. It allows users to edit the search results that shows up on the search results page, Google helped make SEO a high needed tool for any online site. Any user can now be able to edit the results they see in the search engine results page. For instance, if users thumbs up a site in SearchWiki that site will move up on top of any site that will show up in the search engine results page. So if a site is constantly getting thumbs up to their site and your site is in competition with that site in the search engine results page, chances are that site will out due yours and rank higher than your site which will result in their site showing up first in the search engine before your site.
Your site must be of great quality, user friendly, and easy for the user to navigate because if your page and your competitor's page shows up in the SearchWiki search engine results page and the user visits your site and didn't like it and they hit the back button to get back to the search engine results page then go into your competitors page and liked it and thumbs up their page, you can be ranked low by the search engine and your site can be buried in the pile on the search engine results page. If this happens you will lose traffic to your site as well. This is why bloggers and sites in the SEO field are bad mouthing SearchWiki, they think SearchWiki will take their SEO sites downhill. Will Google's new SearchWiki be good or bad for your site? Go find out.
Both of them are easy to use, and it's easy to learn how to use them. It's best to use these plugins because when you do you can give your content a better look than other bloggers who don't take the time master this greater advantage. When using SEO plugins it can make your site appear on the first or second search results page instead of being further or last on the search results page. You should also use Google Adwords Keyword Tool to help you with keyword research. When you enter a word or phrase, it will give you a list of good potential keyword ideas that you can use in your blog posts or titles.
I suggest that you pick some good potential keywords and use those keywords wisely when placing keywords in your content. Don't use the keywords over and over too many times, and don't use the keywords just once or twice. Use the keywords enough so that the keyword or words stand out. Years ago placing keywords over and over in content was common and popular, that would result search engines to be manipulated. Now today things have been updated within google and this little common trick is more harder to do. When Google catch on that your content have the same keyword placed in it too much you will be notified by google that you're violating the content policy. I'll show you some of the best ways to insert keywords.
-Put your main keyword (the keyword you want the post based of) once in the main title of the post
-Use the keyword once within the first 100 words in the post
-Use the keyword once in the final paragraph
-Place the keyword in the title tags and the meta descriptions
-Place the keyword in sub titles when appropriate
-Use related keywords or pharses throughout the content
Get your site up to speed because that will be a key factor in growing your site and getting your site to rank at the top. Google gives emphasis to site load times. Most of the users will leave from your site if it takes more than 5 seconds for your site to load up. You can use Pingdom's speed test tool which can tell you how long it takes to load up your site. If it takes longer than 5 seconds, you should use new hosting provider or make some changes to your site to make your site load more faster.
When writing content, you should focus on the length of each posts There can be a difference in the length of each post. You can keep it brief with 300 words or less, or you can go all out with 1,000 words or more. We can go on forever on how long the post length should be, but a study showed that choosing how many words should be in a post depends on the keyword that your post is based upon. They pulled this information from the top 5 blogs in each niche. Here's the results:
-"Gadgets" 183 words in the post
-"Gossip" 185 words in the post
-"Web News" 326 words in the post
-"Politics" 468 words in the post
-"Health" 666 words in the post
-"Marketing" 1,087 words in the post
-"Finance" 1,228 words in the post
-"Personal Development" 1,475 words in the post
So when you're tyring to determine how long your content length should be will depend on the keyword you're looking to stay on subject with in each posts. But it's best to keep posts at least at 250 words or more. If your posts is less than 250 words, the search engines might not pick up your site due to other sites using the same keywords or post titles but longer theirs have longer content. It's a known fact and have been proven that sites with longer content length ranks better and these sites gets pulled up first in the search engines. I think Google rewards sites with longer content because longer content equals more quality vs shorter content length.
Each of your post shouldn't be the same amount of words as all the others. If all of your posts was 300 words that wouldn't be a good look. It would look as if everytime you blog, you only want to stick to this 300 word count no matter what the keyword or topic of your post is about. That wouldn't be good quailty to the users which can result in your site not building.
When blogging, include images and pictures in your posts that related to the content to give readers something to look at when they want to stop reading for a 1 second glance when they want to think over a sentence they've just read. This trick will give your blog post more SEO benifits. You should also include the keywords in the image or picture that you insert, and put ALT tags in the HTML code by putting alt="keyword within the HTML code. Make sure you keep the keyword very brief and use it enough in your content so your site can be picked up by the serch engines.
Try not to use links to other pages or sites as much because this takes your users to another site or page. Once your users are gone, there's no guarantee that they'll come back. This is my own personal SEO Tip which helps my blog rank higher than other blogs in the search engines. You should also have your site set up on the sidebar with different widgets as far as different categories, recent posts, about me, subscribe, and different other widgets that you feel is necessary to give the users beter navigation on your site to get to where they wan to more quickly on your site.
Blog and post new content as much as possible. The main mistake bloggers make is not blogging or putting fresh new content on their site as often. This mistake can make your subscribers unsubscribe, it can make users who looked forward to you putting new content up become less interested in your site. It can also drop your site lower in the rankings of the search engines. You should update your content more because it will result in search engines sending crawlers to your site more. When you update your content often, your new content could show up in the index more faster. Instead of weeks that it will take for your content to show up in the index, it could show up in days or hours.
You should post blogs often and avoid going a long period of time without posting fresh new content. The average blogger with good content and a great niche posts between 2 to 5 posts a week. Share your posts with social media like Facebook this can give you an advantage if your content is good because when your friends like the posts it allows their friends who might not be friends with you, at least see the post and read it and if they like it too then it passes on to their friends and so on which is a great SEO Tip. This will also help improve your rankings in the Search Engine which will result in more audience.
There's a lot of talk on Google's SearchWiki and how it effects SEO. Most bloggers says that it will ruin SEO, and that Google's new SearchWiki sucks. Most bloggers are scared and they think the world will end tomorrow, lol. The outcome of SearchWiki and what people think can go on forever, but people might be missing the point of Google's latest idea for their search engine. It allows users to edit the search results that shows up on the search results page, Google helped make SEO a high needed tool for any online site. Any user can now be able to edit the results they see in the search engine results page. For instance, if users thumbs up a site in SearchWiki that site will move up on top of any site that will show up in the search engine results page. So if a site is constantly getting thumbs up to their site and your site is in competition with that site in the search engine results page, chances are that site will out due yours and rank higher than your site which will result in their site showing up first in the search engine before your site.
Your site must be of great quality, user friendly, and easy for the user to navigate because if your page and your competitor's page shows up in the SearchWiki search engine results page and the user visits your site and didn't like it and they hit the back button to get back to the search engine results page then go into your competitors page and liked it and thumbs up their page, you can be ranked low by the search engine and your site can be buried in the pile on the search engine results page. If this happens you will lose traffic to your site as well. This is why bloggers and sites in the SEO field are bad mouthing SearchWiki, they think SearchWiki will take their SEO sites downhill. Will Google's new SearchWiki be good or bad for your site? Go find out.
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