-You Should Create a Sense of Depth
When you take photographs, you should take them in landscape because it really helps to create a sense of depth which will make the viewer feel like they are there in the picture. You should use a wide-angle lens which will give a panoramic view and a small aperture of f 16 or smaller to keep the foreground and background looking sharp. If you Place an object or place a person in the foreground it will help give a sense of scale and can show how far away the distance can be. You should use a tripod if you have one which can prevent your pictures from coming out with that shakey look from you not holding the camera steady.
-You Should Use Simple Backgrounds
The best approach is usually keeping it simple with your backgrounds in digital photography. The way to go about keeping it simple would be to decide what should be in the shot, when you decide what will be a distraction if it's in the shot then do not include it in your shot. Neutral colors and simple patterns is also what will keep your backgrounds simple. You would want the viewer to see the focal point of the picture instead of anything in the picture or background that would distract them from the focal point. Unless you're taking a shot and the focal point isn't at the center of the picture, then something odd in the background will be ok.
-You Shouldn't Use Flash Indoors
For indoor portraits, using the flash can make the portrait look weird in a way that the portrait don't look natural. There are pleanty of other ways you can take a picture indoors without using the flash. Pushing the ISO up can make a big difference for the shutter speed you can choose, try boostion the ISO up from 800 to 1600. You should use the widest aperture your camera has which will give you more light that will reach the sensor and you will have a perfect looking background. You should use a tripod or an Image Stabilization lens which is another good way to avoid blur.
-Make Sure You Choose The Right ISO
The ISO setting will determine how sensitive your camera is to light and also will determine how fine the grain of your image will be. The ISO that you should choose will depend on the situation of the scene like when it’s dark you can boost the ISO up to a higher number from something like 800 to 1600 and this will make the camera more sensitive to light and will also avoid the picture from blurring. If you're outdoor and it is a sunny day, you should choose a low ISO like 100 or something, or use the Auto setting because there's more light to work with on a sunny day.
-You Should Pan To Create Motion
You should use the panning technique if you want to capture a subject while it's in motion. You should choose a shutter speedwith around two steps less than the normal if you want to do that. For instance, if it's 1/250 then you should choose 1/60 and remember to keep your camera on the subject and keep your finger half way pressed down on the shutter button to lock the focus on your subject, and when you are ready you should always follow your subject as it moves to get the best results for motion pictures. You should also use a tripod to avoid the camera from shaking so you can get that motion look on the outcome of the picture.
-You Should Play Around With The Shutter Speed
Playing around with the shutter speed can result in some great looking effects on pictures, so don't be afraid to do so. If you are taking pictures outdoors and it's night time, set the shutter speed to 4 seconds and take a picture while the camera is on a tripod. This will result iin the movement of the object being captured, also will be some light trails that adds a nice looking effect. And If you set the shutter speed to a faster shutter speed, the trails will not be as long or bright as they was before and instead you will freeze the action. Keep in mind that this effect works best when you are using a tripod and if you are taking pictures of a moving object or subject.
-You Should Compose In Thirds
The rule of thirds works by having four lines in which two of the lines lying horizontally across the image, and the other two lines vertical creating nine even squares across the camera screen or image. Well, most of the images will turn out best with the focal point or subject being in the center square of the 9 squares, and placing the focal point or subject off center will result in creating a more aesthetically composed picture. The viewers eyes will wander the frame of the whole picture when a picture is composed using the rule of thirds. It is proven that when a picture is taken following the rule of the thirds the picture becomes more interesting and catchy to the viewers eyes.
-You Should Avoid Camera Shake
When a photographer has the camera in hands and preparing to take a picture, if your hand aren't steady and shaking when you take the picture it will result in the picture coming out with bad quailty. Ways you can avoid this is hold your camera properly and steady when taking pictures. Make sure you use both hands with one hand around the body of the camera and the other hand around the lens of the camera without your hand blocking or in the way of the lens which will turn out in the picture. It is very important to make sure that you are using a shutter speed that will matches the lens focal length of your subject. For example, if your camera have a 100mm lens, then your shutter speed shouldn't be no lower than 1/100th of a second. Also use a tripod if possible, which will give your camera stability from shaking.
You Should Use The Sunny 16 Rule
The Sunny 16 Rule will help you to predict how to meter your camera when outdoor and it's very sunny out. You should choose an aperture of f/16 and 1/100th of a second with the shutter speed setting if you're ever in a situation like this because it will result in a sharper picture which isn't over exposed or under exposed. You should also use this rule if camera's light meter isn't working, or if your camera don't have a LCD screen that will let you see the image that you have taken.
-You Should Use a Polarizing Filter
You should use a polarizing filter if you can only afford to buy one filter for your lens. A polarizer filter will help reduce the reflections from showing up in the image in things such as reflections in water, metal, and glass. A polarizer filter will also improve the colors in the sky, and not to mention the filter will help protect your camera lens as well. The kind of polarizing filter you should get is the circular kind which will allow your camers to use through the lens metering. I hope you've enjoyed reading these Digital Photography Tips and will put them to use.