Writing an eBook has become very popular within the last decade. You can even self publish the eBook yourself and place the eBook for sale on book sites like Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Kobo. However much you sell your eBook for, these companies that will host your eBook will only take a small cut from your sell price with up to only 30 percent. For instance if you sell your eBook for $5.00 they will take 30 percent of that which would be $1.50, leaving you with $3.50 per sell. Amazon says that eBooks is a big thing now, and eBooks are now selling more than regular hard back books by double and last year the number of eBooks that was sold on Amazon have reached a total of 8 million. So if you enjoy writing and story telling then this will be great for you. The most popular categories of eBooks that have been selling the most is Thriller stories and Mystery stories with over 60 percent of the total eBook sells of 8 million. There's a young woman from Minnesota who makes over $2,000,000 from her eBook sales a year. And she writes most of her stories to fit the categories of Thriller and Mystery stories.
-You Can Be A Virtual Assistant
There are a lot of businesses that would like to hire a full time assistant to get some things done, but they probably can't find enough money to pay for one. The internet now have Virtual Assistants that these businesses can hire for part time, and the amount of money they pay the Virtual Assistant would be less than the amount they would pay a regular full time assistant that's in person at the business. Becoming a Virtual Assistant would be perfect for you if you would like to work from home. This is great for new mother's who just had a newborn baby and would like to stay at home with the baby and still make some extra part time money. If your Virtual Assistant job consists of booking travel tickets and things like that, you can make up to $20 an hour for completing the everyday need of these businesses.
-You Can Lease Your Skill
If you have any skills that can be worth some value, there are sites like Freelancer, Elance, 99Designs, and iWriter that you can place your skills on and those sites lets people hire people with these skills they're looking for such as designers, coders, writers, translators and a whole lot more of other different categories to choose from. If you have any free time available and you have a great skill that is worth value, this would be a great way to earn some extra cash. And if you have more than just some free time available, you can earn as much from your skills as if you're working on a full time job.
-You Can Sell Stuff On eBay
If you have any products that's still in good condition and is worth some value, you can sell it on eBay to make a little extra cash. But what's even better is if you have some money and would like to double it or make a nice profit from it you can buy things wholesale, then resale them per piece to make a great profit. If you have any collectibles, or any antiques, those type of things sells for big buck and you could make a huge amount of money from that. If you know how to make those model cars that looks something like hot wheels model cars the you could make thousands of dollars per sale on those things.
-You Can Be A Mobile App Tester
There are some people who are not so sure of their application development, you can make some money through the usage of testing these mobile apps. People who have some free time and would like to test out mobile apps to see if they discover bugs can earn some cash for testing out the mobile apps. There's an application called uTest that lets you test these mobile apps to earn some money. People that signs up to uTest can also build up their reputation everytime you test an application which can let you earn more money from developers who app you test out in the future. The better your reputation is will give you access to more profitable app testing opportunities to make more money.
-You Can Design T-Shirts
T-Shirts with catchy phrases or characters on them are becoming more popular now days. If you're into art or designs and you're great at it, you can design T-Shirts and put them for sale over the internet. There's a website called CafePress that lets you upload your T-Shirt designs to their website and sell them on their online store. Or if you want to go even bigger there's distributors like designbyhumans.com and threadless.com that you can get in touch with to put your T-Shirts out there nationwide. If you design some cathy T-Shirts that a lot of people like, it will start trending and you can earn some big bucks.
-You Can Tweet For Sponsors
There's a website sponsoredtweets.com that will let you earn money from twitter to deliver their advertising messages to your followers and you'll earn some cash. What's great is you can set the amount of money that you want to get paid for every tweet you post. You can choose a category and you can select the keywords that you want to use that you think is best or makes the most money. After that you just have to wait for the advertisers to get back at you if they like your offer. They will pay you the amount you have chosen for each tweet that you post. Keep in mind that you have full control over your account and you can choose the wordings of the advertising message that they want you to deliver, or you can choose to just reject the tweet and not post it.
-You Can Make Money From Your Blogs
If you have a blog or you like to write and have a website that will host the blogs for you and you have some traffic coming to your website, you can make some money from that. There are ad networks out there that will pay big money to you just to host their ads on your site. You will receive a payment every time someone clicks on one of those ads on your site. There are certain niches you can follow to make the best out of setting up your ads on your site so that they get clicked by your readers. Keep in mind that clicking on those ads yourself, or having other people constantly clicking on those ads will get you banned from the program. And trust me, they will know the fraud clicks and they detect it. There's a canadian blogger that makes over $40,000 a month from the ads he have on his blog. So keep in mind that if you're great at this then you can make a lot of money.